Studio Policies
This is intended to be a safe and fun environment. This is our responsibility to you, but we need your help too. The following policies are in place to help make sure we create the most fun and safe experience possible for everyone.
1. Please remove all jewelry (including wedding/engagement rings!) and clothing with zippers before participating in all aerial classes. Double-check! Anything that can get caught on yourself, another person, or the fabric is a danger to you, others, and the equipment.
2. Please remain in the lobby until the main studio instructor is ready for your class to come in. You are welcome to stretch on your mat before class begins or between back-to-back classes, but apparatus practice is not allowed. Open Gym is the appropriate time to practice aerial moves you’ve been taught outside of normal instruction.
3. Instructors work hard to give you new and interesting tricks and transitions. Deviating from class content/what the instructor is teaching can be unsafe and a distraction to others- please stick to the aerial moves that they are teaching.
4. Allow the instructors to be the only ones instructing during class time. While you may have the knowledge and experience to give other students tips about their aerial practice- it is 100% about safety and liability for you to leave the instruction to the instructors. Our instructors carry liability insurance, you do not.
5. We welcome students for class 5 minutes before classes begin to avoid crowding the lobby, and to allow our instructors time to set up and prep for their classes. Anyone who shows up visually intoxicated will not be allowed to fly.
6. Students who arrive past the start time of a class, and miss a portion of our warm up may not be admitted into class upon instructor discretion.
7. We have a 12-hour cancellation policy. If you cancel less than 12-hours before class it will be a Late Cancel. The penalty for Late Cancels and No Shows is $10 if you use Track Three, or have an unlimited trial membership as a new student. If you are on Track One, Two or use a class package, that class will be taken from your account.
8. All classes, series, packages and retail sales are final. No refunds- no exceptions. We are a small business that runs under this policy to keep it fair for all and on both sides. Our policy is listed multiple times on our website and throughout the Mind Body Online software prior to registration. When applicable, registration fees paid may be placed back onto student accounts, where they will never expire, so that it can be used at your convenience in the future.
9. No street shoes in the studio or on the rugs in the lounge. This is especially important in the winter since de-icing salts can damage our flooring.
10. Our system does not support purchasing classes for other people or enrolling them in classes. If you want to attend a class with others, email us to see if we have enough room first and then have each person sign up individually on our website from the Schedule page. If you want to purchase classes for others, you can do that by purchasing a gift card on our Pricing page. Your friend(s) will still need to register and enroll in class on their own. We do not save spaces in classes without payment or accept walk-ins.
13. Our drop in classes require a minimum of 3 students to sign up 4 hours ahead of time. Beginner series require 4 students registered 24 hours before the start of class. In the event of low registration we will either cancel the drop in class or reschedule the beginner series. If the new dates do not work for you, we will credit your account with the purchase amount for you to use at any time in the future.
Thank you for understanding, respecting & cooperating with our policies.